Travel with Raja, pet travel advice, airplane travel tips, travel with my dog, how do I travel with my pet, Raja, shitzu, dogs
In the last 5 years, pet furnishings and toy products have increased exponentially.  It’s perfectly understandable.  There are more house pets than ever round the world.  And we have come ever so far from the days when aristocrats of the middle ages kept pets as much for companionship as to attract fleas away from themselves.  As for the popularity of modern pets, we have all read cliché statements like: “Pets are starter children.”  “Cats are the new dog.”  “Large dogs are the new pony.”  

Of course none of this is really true.  Pets are more cooperative than children.  Cats and dogs are radically different.  Your 5 year old should never ride the Malamute. 

I think pet products have increased as a reflection of the fact that the world is getting to be a kinder and more playful place in the lucky pockets here and there on the globe where people have basic needs met so they can be generous to pets.  This is good.  Let’s hope these pockets of calm and prosperity spread all over the earth. 

Back to product.  Some catalogs approach pets as accessories.  If you like minimalist décor, buy biomorphic, but not species specific, plush toys.  If you are eco conscious, buy pet beds from recycled soft drink bottles.  Urban East Coast dogs, LA dogs, Francophile dogs, Country dogs and Japanese kawaii-so dogs are styled differently.  Hunting dogs like decoys printed on things.  The dog and the décor and the cultural orientation should all match, according to what I’m seeing.  Since that is the case, Beanie Babies with chewed faces represent the style icon of this house.  

No cynicism here.  Pets need soft beds and clean, safe, toys to chase or chew or roll about.  They need fitting, comfortable, sturdy harnesses and leashes that will restrain them from wandering into traffic.  And these things need replacing, because they will wear out.  Beds sprouting stuffing or plush with loose eyes and split seams have to be repaired and washed in non-toxic soap, or discarded and replaced.  Whatever’s safer.  Raja and I recommend repair whenever possible.  It’s eco-best.  Plus, as we’ve all discovered, dogs get used to things and don’t prefer change.   

There is indeed a lot of dog product out there.  None of it stylistically really fits what I’d call my décor, but that’s OK.  He’s got what he likes and I’ve got what I like, somewhere underneath all the stuff he likes. 

We invite readers to send us a jpeg you’d like posted in this segment of your dog with his or her favorite old toy or bed or mystery item.  Write to us at [email protected]. 

Next week, we’re interviewing a dedicated rescuer of Shih Tzus, responsible for homing hundreds of great dogs nationally.  Some people think dog rescue is a business, but our interview reveals the ways that many people give so much in time, services and medical care to save and re-home abandoned and hopelessly lost pets. 

Buttercup says 'NO' to rain.
Travel dogs, stay at home dogs, working dogs all need some clothes.  Just because nature gave dogs fur and thick foot pads doesn’t mean that dogs don’t need clothes sometimes.  Consider human beings:  They don’t come out of the womb with clothes, but they have learned that clothes make some things more comfortable.  Clothes have allowed them to occupy more niches more comfortably.  Same thing for the highly evolved, specialized, traveling, working, all climate dogs of the 3rd millennium. 

What we’re talking about here is ESSENTIAL clothing for warmth, protection, and professional engagements of all kinds.  Raja and I want to make a disclaimer: We do not sell clothing or accessories; we take no kickbacks; we are not on salary.  If we suggest any item or clothing line, it’s because we like the product and nothing more.  You can’t buy any of this stuff through us.  We promote for the love of passing the word. 

Rainwear: When it rains, long furred dogs get wet and dirty and musky and matted.  Every dog should have a raincoat.  They pack flat and make life so much easier.  Here’s Buttercup the Maltese in her pretty and functional spring raincoat. Boots help in the mucky puddles.  I like the Pawz boots.  They last a long time and keep the feet dry.  I’d really like to buy Raja a pair of the durable snow boots the dogs wear in the Iditarod Race, but seems nobody makes them for small feet.  (Hint to sled dog cobblers:  If you make them, they will come.) 

Coats and Sweaters:  Dogs get cold too.  For really cold weather, or for sustained periods outside, fur is not always enough.  Sled dogs have fur that insulates in winter.  Non-sled dogs and dogs that are not massive do not.  Here’s Chloe the Bichon Frise in one of her many hand knitted sweaters.  A furry girl can get cold, like Raja, a skinny boy who needs a down coat when he’s sledding with his neighbors.  When buying or knitting a sweater for a boy dog, make sure the belly is cut up far enough to make lifting that leg comfortable.  Girl dogs can wear longer cuts.  When making a down coat for your dog, use the filling from an old down vest and tightly-woven water resistant fabric. 

Hats, Doggles and Visors: Just as for people, dogs lose a great deal of heat through their heads.  For really cold winter days, a stylish hat keeps the heat in and the ears organized.  Here, Chloe models her new pom pom hand knit hat and dreams of snow.  Sun affects canine eyes as much as it does human eyes.  Morgan the Shih Tzu spends a lot of time in her customized bike basket.  Morgan always wears her Doggles to protect her eyes from wind, dust and sun while touring on the handlebars.  (If you have a long haired dog, make sure you brush the fur away from the eyes before fixing the Doggles in place.)  For dogs who are at little league games, on the sand, on boats and boardwalks and traversing the desert, visors protect the eyes the way the bills of baseball caps help players see in bright sun.  Here are Tasha, Cy and CT all wearing their visors, custom made by Carolyn’s Originals ( ). 

Carolyn herself began to make doggie clothes when she began to take her 3 doggies on therapy visits.  The patients loved the outfits and the nurses would line up to see what the dogs were wearing each week.  Plus, Carolyn says her dogs come running when she gets the outfits out.  They know they’re going to go meet people and they love the praise, attention and extra pizzazz the outfits give them.  Comfort is always a factor.  Just as we people don’t like wearing uncomfortable clothes, dogs need comfort, especially because style means very little to them.  Whereas some of us human beings would suffer to feel beautiful, dogs need comfort.  Functional and comfortable garments that provide warmth, protection and professional costuming should be options for all modern dogs today, whether they travel to the hospital for therapy work or to the marina to take the yacht to Catalina. 

Lexi, cosy and warm.
Yes that’s what I said… travel dog Raja always goes away on trips because he loves travel and meeting new people, but not all pets are portable or even like to travel.  Take cats… some of them do travel, but most don’t.  Take fish… or rather don’t take fish.  Fish stay home always.  Do not take ferrets.  They don’t travel well and are just skinny enough to fit through a hotel room keyhole and escape forever. 

Our family has gone on vacation with a small circus including 1 Shih Tzu, 1 Angora rabbit and 2 hamsters.  All those animals travel well and like the beach.  I suspect our pleasure in having them with us might not be shared by some people, but vive la différence!  

If you  are left with another’s pets to care for whilst your globe trotting friends are away, don’t say “yes, sure, no problem” without getting some helpful info.  If somethng goes wrong, you will be blamed.  Even if a tornado lifts the house into the next state, it will be your fault.  (And your private guilt will be eternal.)  

What you need to know for each animal includes: 

What is the usual food, the usual quantity and where is it?

When are the meds given and where are they?  Do you need to wear a muzzle while giving the meds or not?  (Yes, that’s how we meant it.)

Where is the leash and harness?- and never fail to walk a friend’s dog without both.

How much hands on time is expected of you- can you just feed and run (as in fish) or do you need to spend social time (as in dogs and cats)?

Who is the vet and what is the number and location?

What is the alternative vet?

How do you contact your traveling friend in the Mongolian Steppe?  

When is your friend expected home and at what point should you send out a camel squad? 

Say “no” if you really do not want to watch those pets.  Animals know when they are liked.  They make it very hard for people who do not honestly like them.  Pet owners do not want their pets looked after by unwilling people who have to grit their teeth to be responsible.  Only say “yes” if, for example, being a cat den mother for a week sounds like fun, or if you had considered yourself a surrogate parent for your friend’s pets anyway.  

Finally, when pet sitting, nothing, absolutely nothing should keep you from your scheduled pet care visits.  If you finally get invited into the meeting or asked out by the person of your dreams, if it means the pet charges will suffer, look Ms. or Mr. Opportunity in the eye and say, “Yes, but not tonight; I have a promised obligation to a friend.”  Shows your character, doesn’t it? 

Raja, who will be traveling soon, invites you not to miss our upcoming August posts about California’s Muir Woods, Napa Valley, and a special interview with the social networking organization Dogster, located in San Francisco. 

This may be the biggest couch potato summer of the century.   Last summer, some of us ran away from the recession for one last fling with a foreign port.  This summer, many of us aren’t going very far.  Hence Raja’s and my posts about camping and other adventures with low admission fees, but a high satisfaction and adventure quotient.  The primary, non-economic danger about this summer is that many of us may turn into spuds watching the horrible, stultifying summer TV.  Solution:  Get up and take puppy OUT. 

If you think you’re getting softish, imagine how bored and soft puppy is getting, lying about watching you lie about.  Best plan:  Both of you- out the door and off to the park or, for urban pups, around the block for a pleasant walk.  Or make up your own doggy Olympics with home-made props and appropriated children’s toys that simulate agility courses for dogs.  A toddler crawl tube makes a great “run through tunnel.”  Dowels suck in the ground make a great “in and out.”  A dowel set on blocks 6 inches off the ground makes a sturdy “jump.”  Try this in the dog park, city dwellers, and I bet you’ll get a whole 3-ring circus going. 

It’s not only the Shelties and Shepherds who are running agility these days.  Malteses are demonstrating great agility and, recently, a Shih Tzu named Bam Bam pulled 664 lbs. in a contest.  Hmm, er, … why?  Look, I guess it’s OK as long as Bam enjoys herself, but a Shih Tzu, and dogs generally, do not make good draft animals.  (Honestly, it slays me to think of asking Raja to try that one.)  A Shih Tzu and most domestic dogs are excellent companion animals.  They don’t need to work out like real Olympians, but they do like a little field day once a week. 

If you are up for trying this light fitness idea out, remember, your dog is probably about as fit as you are.  (Well, you live together and eat the same snacks, right?  Fluffy, did you finish the chips already?)  Don’t expect more of him than you can muster.  Take it easy at first and take it slow.  Dogs with existing health conditions should not be expected to exercise strenuously.  Keep all activities sensible and follow the doctrine of the mean:  All things in moderation.  (Summer TV is the exception.  Just say “No” to summer TV and you’ll feel fitter right away.) 

Since a dog gets hot faster than a human being and suffers heat stroke more easily, please watch out for that panting tongue and give your dog frequent rests.  Moderate exercise is what you are looking for.  Walk and trot; smell a rose; watch a butterfly; stare in a shop window; dogs love a little vanilla sorbet. (A little.) 

Raja and I suggest we all use our down time to keep our energy and spirits high because we all want to be in top shape next summer, and the summer after that, etc, etc.  Plus, you never know… next year you might get asked to lead the first ever interspecies human and dog expedition over Mt Everest and you don’t want to have to say, “I’ll sit this one out; just pass the Skittles.” 

Update on Mexico:  Why is it so easy to take your dog into the sunken, bat-infested  Camuy Caves of Puerto Rico and so challenging to try to take your dog to a meadow 2 hours drive out of Mexico City?  Can anyone say “Raja never eats butterflies” in Spanish?  Help!

Now and then, a madness overtakes urban human beings in the form of a desire to go camping, which I personally read as going out in the dirt and pretending to be happy sleeping there.  Nevertheless an interest in sleeping on the ground in a nylon pouch now and then overcomes me too, and when it does, I think it best to include Raja, a dog of cultivated taste and obsessively maintained cleanliness.  He handles the whole thing so much better than I do, plus worrying about him makes me stop worrying about myself. 

If you go camping, do take your dog.  Dogs are easy campers for the following reasons:

* Dogs sleep when they’re tired.  They do not need soft beds or clean sheets.  Follow their example. 

* Dogs are vigilant.  If they’re sleeping soundly in the dark in the middle of nowhere, you can be sure you should too.  Shut your eyes.  The dog will bark if there’s anything to pay attention to.

* Dogs like to pee in the woods.  Let them.  Imitate them. 

* Dogs are happy when dirty.  You be happy too. 

Some things to be careful about: 

Water:  Drinking from a puddle of standing water can transmit Leptospirosis to your dog.  I continue to recommend the water purifier noted on the Tips page.  Yes, wild animals do drink from puddles and stagnant pools, but wild animals have short life spans.  Don’t let your dog drink any water you wouldn’t drink yourself. 

Food:  Bring your food; bring your pet’s food.  (In bear country, sleep far from your food and trash.) 

Leash:  As noted in a previous post- and as guest blogger Sean Christensen noted- a leash protects your dog from discovering a bear or a rattle snake or a mountain lion or another dog that is not friendly while on the trail.  Personally, I hate the idea of pets hiking with a leash, but the leash could save your dog from a very bad encounter.  Yes, wild animals don’t have leashes.  But you aren’t responsible for them, are you? 

Mosquitoes:  Diseases mosquitoes carry can be dangerous and mosquitoes do bite dogs.  Repellent patches are useful.  There are various herbal potions made for dogs to repel insects.  The ones containing pennyroyal should be avoided generally. In camp, smoke from your fire or even smoke from incense keeps them away.  Only camp near water that is flowing strongly, other wise camp well above the bank of the stream. 

Tents:  Does your dog sleep in the house at home?  Then don’t even imagine not letting him in the tent.  (Of course he’s smelly.  It’s your fault and so are you. Go with it.) 

Light stick locators:  Buy some 12 hour light sticks and attach one to your dog’s harness as dusk descends or if he leaves the tent in the night for a bush break.  Should he wander off, you will see the light.  Of course this should never happen… but it could, couldn’t it? 

Meds:  Take a human-canine medical kit.  Naturally.  Dew claws and toe nails can get torn on the trail.  This happens to wolves all the time.  They have no med kit, poor things. 

Expectations:  Let’s be realistic.  A dog, unlike a person, will be himself in all situations. Dogs have very stable personalities.  So, even if you suddenly decide to channel Lewis or Clark, your Couch Potato, Miss Prissy Foot, Random Runner or Scardy Dog will not turn into White Fang.  You be yourself and let pup be himself and enjoy discovering the wild woods together.

If your dog eats dry kibble, you can load up a bag and go to the moon with him- no problem.  If your dog eats canned food, well, just ship those cans forward to your hotel in Belize, and you’ve got dinner.  For most national brands, when traveling nationally, you can simply buy them at your destination. But what about the picky eaters, the eaters of home cooked food, the dogs who need it hot out of a pot, the dogs who think kibble’s just a little pile of rocks?  And what do you do when puppy’s tummy growls and Shanghai’s version of Alpo scares you? 

Well, may I ask, where do you eat when you travel?  If you eat in a bistro, hamburger (no bun) and the veggie of the day (no corn) will work.  Cut and mash to get a good texture.  If you eat in a fancy restaurant, order a little bit extra so pup can have a really good doggie bag.  If you eat street food… well… have mercy and order your dog something better as take out from a restaurant.  No greasy street meats for traveling canines, unless you want to ruin the trip for everybody.  (Your choice.)  And if your furry friend gets Delhi-belly, go to a real diner counter where they cook for you and order plain cooked hamburger and rice and mix them carefully.  

Peruse the hotel and restaurant “childrens menus” for small dogs.  Children like bland food that is not highly seasoned or sauced.  So do dogs.  Children’s chicken and rice makes a great meal for a small dog and you can be fairly confident that the ingredients are carefully selected.

Sometimes sympathetic restaurateurs will offer your dog leftovers from people’s plates free of charge.  It’s a kind and money-saving gesture, but if you wouldn’t eat food off the plates of strangers, perhaps your dog doesn’t want to either.   

Between destinations in developed countries, take advantage of the toddler foods you can buy in supermarkets.  Gerber Graduates “meat sticks” are one of Raja’s favorite travel snacks and the Gerber toddler beef and chicken stews were his main meals in Chile. 

I don’t know what or how others feed their dogs, but at home Raja eats a pretty healthy, lean and saltless home cook (see recipes tab) and the timings and quantities are pretty consistent.  But he’s not all that much a creature of habit.  When he’s on the road, like his family, he enjoys and accepts changes in routine.  It’s not a big problem because, in a week or so, he’s back home eating the good stuff.  The travel trick is to keep it simple, low salt, low spice, low grease and balance the meat, veggies and starches.   

International foods any dog would like: Puerto Rican Asopao de Pollo, French left bank shish kebab and couscous (OK it’s Algerian French); Italian anything; Swissrösti mixed with a little beef or chicken, Moroccan lamb tangine with squash. 

Always take a travel supply of tummy meds from your vet, just in case.  If you run out, you may use children’s Pepto Bismol and children’s Imodium to calm an overactive digestive system.  Let’s hope you don’t need them.  Forget them in your luggage, and, yes, you will.  

(Still working on Mexico and seeing how Raja feels about mole poblano.)

One reason I’m writing about planning for this Mexico trip is to demonstrate that dog travel to remote places can’t be undertaken casually.  For example, if we were going to, say… perhaps Asasp-Arros in France, even though it’s a little off the beaten track, I would just pick Raja up and go, because France loves dogs and France is predictable for dog travelers.  Oh sure there are surprises, like the surprise of discovering that, while dogs in Paris are not allowed in the small parks that dot the city (tisk tisk “pas de chiens”), people actually will also tisk tisk when you pick your dog’s little messes up off the sidewalk in a sac papier.  Well, that’s what the Parisians have those little green men in jumpsuits for… but basically France and dogs go together like… um… milk and cookies. 

And that may also be true of Mexico and dogs, but consider the information I have gathered this week: 

The Mexican Consulate in New York simply does not answer the telephone.  Never.  Ditto the Mexican Embassy in Washington, DC.  Nobody picks up after multiple, mesmerizing rings.  So who knows if we need rabies documentation only, or if we need Raja’s AKC registration and paw print? 

An expert in butterflies from the Toronto, Canada Wings of Paradise Butterfly Sanctuary says the following:  The hike to the El Rosario Sanctuary is at 10,000 feet.  You will possibly faint on the way.  You will not be able to carry your dog if he gets tired walking the four miles because, at that altitude, the weight is unbearable.  At the gates to the sanctuary, armed guards with machine guns will be likely to stop you and your canine.  They take their butterflies seriously in Valle de Brava.  (Some people worry a great deal and are likely to need a fitness program.)  (I’m just saying…) 

A businesswoman in Mexico City tells me that the Sanctuary in El Rosario is a family friendly place and, if we buy a ticket for Raja, nobody will mind his seeing the Monarchs. 

A series of vacation web sites indicate that very ordinary looking people have gotten to El Rosario without fainting or being machine gunned.  And so it goes. 

Why am I even concerned?  Here’s why… Places used to dog travel are very urbane about Fluffy in the Musée National.  In places less doggy, without knowing the rules and rights, one is subject to petty tyrants- like that horrid man who saw Raja sleeping in his travel bag in Marrakech, Morocco and refused to let us in the St. Laurent Gardens, even though it was clear that Raja’s paws would never touch the ground.  So I want to know what I can do and what the system demands. 

I’m not irritated yet.  Complaining about how to get Raja to the mountains of Valle de Brava is a true luxury…. Which brings me to my main point this post:  My friend Claudine cannot afford the residual costs of her ampullary cancer treatments.  She spent her last dime on a misinformed doctor who mistreated her problem with debilitating radiation and chemo and then dropped her hopelessly with the statement, “I guess this is God’s will.”  If you have the inclination and an extra few dollars, please follow this link, read and help her out a bit if you can. 

May all our butterfly dreams come true and, sincerely, may all sentient beings attain happiness.

Every October through March the upland forests of the El Rosario Monarch Butterfly reserve in Michoacán Mexico are filled with Monarch butterflies that have flown all the way from Canada and other locations in the US to winter over in Mexico.  Who knows why?  Who knows how?  Every fourth generation makes this trip.  What does this say about the amazing inner clocks and instinctual migratory impulses of the Monarch? 

Raja and I want to see them first hand and we are planning a trip there in late October.  We will fly to Mexico City, take the road to the west to Angangueo, stay in a small hotel    heated by sunshine and fireplace, and hike up to the mountain valleys where butterflies fly about in the warm mid-day sun.

I admit, we were worried about this trip at first with all the bad news from Mexico- crime, a flu pandemic and reports of dodgy police.  But, after the panic, one observes that the sky indeed is not falling- certainly not at Cancún or Acapulco where the piñacolada tourists are flopped all over the beaches, nor is it falling on the butterflies.  And- lucky us- Mexican friends have shed some sanity on the panic of TV reportage. 

Raja has been all over the narrow, dark alleys and stuffy souks of Morocco and through downtown Santiago, Chile to the places where the guidebooks say the pick pockets go to work.  Nothing whatsoever has happened- which is not to boast that we are unstoppable, or to suggest that crime does not happen and viruses do not exist.  But the point is that areas where there are warnings are often less alarming in real life, than they are when we imagine what might hypothetically happen.  And, as we have so often observed first hand, TV news reportage takes advantage of its opportunities to sensationalize and multiply negative numbers.

Right now, Michoacán’s Winter monarchs of 2009 are in flower gardens and fields in North America and they are already beginning to feel the stirrings of a need to fly south.  And Raja and I do too.  Just keeping you in our loop! 

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Boone and Kenzie are two Scotties that have enjoyed getting out and seeing the world.  They've been to Europe twice, Canada once and across the US, from Seattle to Miami, down to Los Angeles and up to Boston.  They enjoy taking photographs of where they've been and sharing those photos with the world. Raja takes over the blog this week by interviewing them in an exposé that is up front and personal.  Katie Couric and Matt Lauer, scooch over and pass Raja the mic. 

Raja:  I have never met doggies who have traveled as much as I have and I am fascinated to chat with Boone and Kenzie, 9 and 6 year old Scotties from Washington State. 

Boone, you’re two years older than Kenzie.  Before she came along, did you have any solitary adventures or did all the fun begin when you teamed up? 

Boone:  I never had the chance to travel outside of Washington until Kenzie came along.  There were short trips made to parts of Washington, but nothing that compares to what we've done since she came along. 

Raja:  Kenzie, I have read that Boone steals your toys.  Is he more cooperative when you are on the road?  Your travel videos make you look pretty simpatico.

Kenzie:  Boone and I really are a great team on the road.  There's a lot less time to focus on toys on our trips and so much to see that we're really just paying attention to the world around us.  We do well to point out sights, sounds and other animals to each other when we're on the road.  I especially loved seeing cows during our train trips through Europe and made sure Boone was well aware when they'd appear. 

Raja: Boone and Kenzie, let’s begin to discuss your travels from the concept up.  Many human beings leave dogs at home when they travel, shocking as it seems. (Kenzie, here’s a cold compress.)  What are your thoughts on the benefits of pet travel? 

Boone & Kenzie:  The benefits of traveling with pets are that you get to meet people along the way you'd never have met because, for a human, having a dog with you is the perfect icebreaker.  Having two however, and them being Black and White (a popular Scotch) draws even more attention and comments from all sorts of people. 

People would stop us that didn't speak any English and attempt work through a translation book just to say hi and comment on u s when, normally, they'd never bother. 

Raja:  I agree.  We are Diplomats of Global Social Exchange.  Boone, you weigh 20 lbs. and Kenzie, well, you are obviously a fashion model, but Scotties are not tiny dogs.  Are you comfortable on the plane and where do you ride- in cabin under the seat or in baggage transport. 

Boone & Kenzie: We're usually quite comfortable on planes and have only been in our bags under seats in the cabin.  We tend to get some attention and affection throughout the flight and even get to pop our heads out when the stewardess isn't looking.  We heard a story of a dog one time making it into the cockpit after getting out, so some people tend to be more strict than others regarding that. 

Raja: Kenzie, do you have any tips for us about how you pass the time whilst in the air? 

Kenzie: Sleep.  That's about all there is to do, but once in a while it's good to wake up and get some attention and affection. 

Raja: Me too- and I have been known to snore.  Moving on… Boone, France or Italy, which do you prefer?  I mean, France loves dogs and Italy, well you can’t get a bad meal if you sit up and beg?  Your thoughts… 

Boone: We spent a lot more time in Italy and really enjoyed it there.  We were allowed to frequent restaurants in both countries, which was very nice.  At Charlie Brown's in Milan Italy, we went a few times and they absolutely loved having us there.  We'd go back every night if it were possible. 

Raja:  Kenzie I noticed in your video that you like to window shop.  Do you ever get the chance to spend your own Euros and what is the best thing you have been able to purchase overseas?  

Kenzie:  We had the perfect chance while in the fashion capitol of the world, Milan.  We stopped by a store on the way to the city center and grabbed a couple of Italian leather collars with silver Scotties on them.  My collar is pink of course! 

Raja:  Kenzie and Boone, speaking practically- how was it entering the UK?  The quarantine is over but what kind of scrutiny, medical, physical and documental did you face- if any?   

Boone & Kenzie: For entering the UK we had to plan over 6 months in advance, pass all the blood work and paperwork through to the proper authorities and get it all signed and documented.  However we were delayed in entering the country a day because we needed to get another shot between 24 and 48 hours before entering the country, so we had an extra night stay in Calais France. 

After that, we were forced to stay down by the cars on the ferry ride over, but we at least were able to get visitors during the short trip.  Overall, it wasn't too bad of an experience, just a bit of a pain to prepare for. 

Raja: (Did you get actually to be at Stonehenge (so many upright things to pee on!!), or did you have to stay behind the cyclone fence?) 

Kenzie:  We weren't allowed to visit Stonehenge as close as humans do, the best we could do was see it from behind the fence next to the road. 

Raja:  Boone, we notice you and Kenzie like to swim.  Did anybody say anything when you decided to take a dip in the reflection pool outside the Louvre, and may we assume dogs are allowed on the beach in Isla de Cristina, Spain or did you just run pell mell into the sea “catch me if you can” style?  

Boone:  Nobody said a word as we dipped our toes into the Louvre, it was hot that day, so it would've been hard to expect otherwise from us.  As for Isla de Cristina, there were no signs saying otherwise, so we enjoyed our first free run at the beach while in Europe.  It was quite liberating. 

Raja:  Kenzie, how about your experiences in the American West…. Was Old Faithful as impressive as you expected, and did looking into the Grand Canyon make you as dizzy as it did me? 

Kenzie:  Old Faithful was pretty underwhelming.  Unseen in the photos and video was the cloud of gases from the geyser that passed by us as we stood there.  The rest of the crowd dispersed immediately, but we didn't have time to move. 

The Grand Canyon was an amazing sight, I bet it'd be even more amazing being down inside of it. 

Raja:  Boone, my impression of your adventures is that curiosity, charm, audacity and the element of surprise have gotten you through your fabulous photo ops.  Do you have any how-to advice for dogs who want to be seen in famous places? 

Boone:  My recommendations for taking photos are practice, treats and practice.  It took two people to take our photos, one to set us up properly and the other to take photos.  Holding the treats (really just our every day dog food) above the camera gave us a good idea of where to look too.  After that, it's up to your imagination how you want to be seen in all those places. 

Raja:  Boone and Kenzie, you two have been wonderful.  In wrapping up I hope you won’t mind if I refer to the unfortunate bobble meeting Barney, White House Dog of the past administration.  Surely that selfish gatekeeper who threw cold water on your plans is no longer there.  Are you game to try again- do you have any plans to try to shake the paw of Bo Obama?      

Boone & Kenzie:  While it'd be nice to meet Miss Beazley and Barney, even if they're not in the White House any more, I'm sure we'd jump at the chance to meeting any President for a photo op.  It'd be nice to add to our collection if nothing else, but it'd also be quite an honor. 

Raja:  Thanks Boone and Kenzie.  Clearly you take all your adventures in stride.  I can tell you’re unflappable no matter what comes your way!  I will be following your travels of the future. 

Readers if you want to learn more about Boone and Kenzie and see their fabulous videos and slide shows, check out their website at: 

Sean is a writer’s representative, outdoorsman, and, most importantly, dog man.  Please check out his really, really good book review site, “Libri Vir - Book Reviews for the Masses” for books you truly will want to read @:  

A few weeks ago, Helen kindly asked me to take a guest blog spot on her wonderful website. While I don't remember exactly how I said yes, I do know the deadline is lurking and I am on the wrong side of having it done. Without further ado, let me tell you about our day trip to Black Butte here in Central Oregon this last Sunday. 

Helen writes about all of the amazing places she has gone with Raja. I am jealous. You see, I have a weimaraner. Having a weimaraner means when you are not with them, someone else is. Humans must always be watching the nefarious pale eyes of this cunning breed. Otherwise your couch, carpet, or favorite shoe is sure to suffer. So the truth is while my sweet girl has seen a lot, it is mostly indicative of a whole lot of time in the car to get there. It reminds me of a funny quip by Dave Barry (low-brow humor at its finest), "Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car, in case the need should arise for them to bark violently at nothing right in your ear." Bella holds true to that standard. 

The reality is, Bella is a trail dog. She would rather be walking straight up a narrow cliff than she would just about anything else. My fiancé and I decided last week we would drive over to Black Butte and hike to the top. While our handy guide book, Canine Oregon - Where to Play and Stay with Your Dog said it was a difficult hike, we felt up to the challenge. 

Holly woke about 5:30. This is notable for two reasons. Holly NEVER wakes up early and the alarm was not destined to ring for an additional 2 hours. Regardless of any words I had to say to the contrary, she was up and was waiting for me to follow. I had loaded my backpack the previous evening so after a quick breakfast (for humans and pooch alike) we were on the road. 

Black Butte is about 6 miles west of Sisters, Oregon on Highway 20 (and some good and not so good forest roads from there). Geology tells us that it is an extinct cinder cone volcano that has not erupted in 1.4 million years. For the casual passer-by, it just looks like a giant black cone. It was to be our climbing muse for the day. As we gradually made our way to the trailhead, Bella was in the backseat alert and ready. With her sixth dog sense she somehow always knows when we near the parking spot as her whines will gradually start building in tempo as we get closer. By the time we arrive at our destination most trips, I am in desperate need of ear plugs. 

We pulled into the parking lot at the trailhead a little after 8am. Much to my surprise there were several other vehicles already waiting. After loading up on water, we headed on our way. Up. Our path lead us through the shade and comfort of the ponderosa pine for about the first mile. Eventually we broke free from the timberline and had expansive views of the Three Sisters, Mount Jefferson and too many other mountains to name. Bella dutifully lead the way. At this point I must also add that when in the outdoors, we follow the rules. While I think it may be stupid to come all the way out into pristine nature only to leave my dog on her leash, I do it. It is the rule of most trails. Sadly many people don't and it makes me have to be far more cautious because of it. 

We continued to plod our way up to the top. Black Butte has been an active fire watch since the early part of the 20th Century. It is still occupied as such today. We knew we were close when we could finally see the tower looming above us. As we finally crested the top of this beautiful mountain we found some of the last remnants of winter snow. 

We had arrived! It was time for water and snacks for all! Holly and I munched on trail mix and Sharkies (okay, Bella had some Sharkies too) while Bella had her fill of water and dog snacks. We spent around 45 minutes on the summit drinking in the amazing scenery. The human part of our equation was feeling a little tired but our canine master wanted to explore everything she could sniff out up on top. We were able to grab one group photo of our intrepid little team (see lead photo up top). 

We slowly began our decent back toward the car. All the hard work it took to get up to the top seemed to drift from memory as our lazy legs lurched down the steep decline. We made it back to the trailhead in about a quarter of the time it took to make it up. Even Bella seemed a little tired after our break-neck trip down the mountain. 

After knocking the dust of our legs and refreshing with some more water (your pup can never have too much water) we decided that a celebratory lunch was in order. Holly, Bella and I loaded back into the car and headed back toward Camp Sherman- arguably one of the best spots in the entire United States to stop off for a quick riverside lunch on the Metolius River. 

We shared a fantastic lunch watching the river roll by us. Bella got to say hi to several new dog friends that walked by (although she seemed more focused on our food). Once we had our fill, we drove down the river a bit so we could get our toes and paws wet and remove some of the dust thus far accumulated. 

With full bellies and freshly clean feet we pointed the car toward home and started making our way back. There is a comfortable soreness that follows a good hike. Your body telling you that while yes you may sit at that desk during the week, it still craves some rigorous use on the weekends and thanks you for it. As we neared home we looked back to see thunderstorms were now covering our recently vacated vantage point. Holly snapped a photo while Bella slept in the backseat in complete peace like only a dog can. It was a good day for all. 

Sean, Holly and Bella, deepest thanks from Raja and me for sharing your beautiful day with us.  Oregon, dog travelers, is the place to go for mad adventure out and about!  Next week, please check back to read Raja’s interview with two traveling Scotties for whom access is "pas de problem."  They’ve been to Universal Studios and to London to see the Queen (well they saw the Beefeater Guards!) and everywhere else in between. 

finding a patch of summer snow!
It's beautiful at the top with Holly and Bella.
    RAJA BLOGS ABOUT PARIS FOR FIDO FRIENDLY As a world reknowned traveler Raja was invited to blog for his friends at fido a website that helps pet owners find accommodations. Click here to visit Fido Friendly

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    Helen  feels most comfortable in places where she doesn't speak the language; she  likes to do almost everything, except hunt and watch TV sports. 
     Raja is a Shih Tzu.  Directly descended from the Mongolian wolf, Raja is hardy and loves to roam with his pack.  Tamed in the monasteries of Tibet, he takes the long view.  Finished in the palaces of 16th century China, he is elegant.  Rescued from China by the artistocrats of Europe, he is a ham.


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    Eat at Mustang's
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    Bailey walks the beam!
    Look at Chloe work those poles!
    On the Teeter... little tongue out thinking carefully.
    You can do it Cara!
    Lori and Raja at the front desk.
    Here it is: 555 De Haro St!
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    Peju Province Winery's oak casks
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    Boots save paws.
    Chloe loves hand knits.
    A hat prevents hypothermia.
    Morgan, biker girl.
    Carolyn's originals ready for work.
    Touring the gardens in my Carolyn's Originals visor.

pet travel advice, airplane travel tips, travel with my dog, how do I travel with my pet, Raja, shitzu, dogs